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  • Medical & 阿拉巴马州伯明翰的医疗保健研究所

    If you are looking for a healthcare school in 伯明翰, Alabama, consider FORTIS Institute. 以前是三州研究所, 富通提供认可的, 在多个医疗保健领域进行综合教育, 以及其他技术行业. 我们的校园位于伯明翰,交通便利, 离胡佛只有一小段车程, 塔拉迪加和雪花石膏, allowing you to get your education while meeting family and work responsibilities.

    数据很清楚:医疗保健是一个不断发展的领域,可以提供一系列优秀的职业机会. Many healthcare professions will be seeing strong job growth over the next decade, 根据美国劳工统计局的数据. 我国人口老龄化, plus an increase in the number of people suffering from chronic diseases, means that there will continue to be a demand for well-trained medical and healthcare workers. FORTIS offers career training programs in several allied health, medical, and dental careers. 无论你是对作为牙科保健员或医疗助理与病人“亲临现场”感兴趣,还是更喜欢作为办公室管理员或账单专家工作, 我们的课程可以帮助你为入门级工作做好准备.

    Dental hygienists and dental assistants are key members of every dentist’s oral healthcare team. Demand for dental hygienists is projected to grow 19% over the next 10 years. Many hygienists work part-time so this is a very flexible and rewarding career choice.由于医生需要更多的实验室和血液检查来诊断和治疗疾病,对医学实验室技术人员的需求将在未来10年增长. 除了, 随着医疗实践的持续增长,医生和医院将需要雇用更多的医疗助理, 还有医疗账单编码员.

    暖通空调、焊接 & 电气行业计划

    If the medical field is not for you, FORTIS offers other career training options. 在技术行业, 对电工和焊工的需求日益增长, 还有加热, 通风, 经过正规培训的空调制冷(HVAC)技术人员.  我们的空调, 焊接和电气行业文凭课程可以帮助你为这些行业的入门级工作做好准备. Our program includes classroom instruction as well as hands-on training. 你还将学习如何使用基于计算机的诊断程序, 这是许多雇主现在需要的技能.


    有兴趣了解更多? Our knowledgeable admission representatives look forward to talking with you. 您可以通过电话、电子邮件或在线聊天与我们联系. 我们可以回答您关于我们课程的问题,并帮助您找到最符合您兴趣的课程, 能力, 职业目标. 我们还可以讨论我们的学杂费, 以及那些符合条件的人可以获得的经济援助. Finally, 我们可以安排一个校园参观,这样你就可以看到我们的设施,并与我们的教职员工见面.


    根据美国劳工统计局的数据, healthcare and medical career opportunities are forecast to grow over the next decade, due in part to our aging population and increased need for healthcare. Fortis offers a variety of medical and healthcare training programs to help meet this need.



    The following programs may require licensure or 认证 to obtain employment. 请找到您感兴趣的课程,以确定该课程是否符合您所在州的执照或认证的教育要求.